Homeopathy is gentle restoration of health wherever it is needed

Homeopathic Remedies

They are completely safe and natural and are made from plants, animal milk or minerals. They come in liquid and pellet form, and are extremely dilute, as there are no molecules of the actual substance, so there is no toxicity or side-effects.

Remedies are made by pharmacists in homeopathic laboratories according to specified standards established by the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS). They are perfectly safe for anyone to take including pregnant and nursing woman, elderly and babies, and those who are seriously ill.

What to Expect

We give a dose of the remedy and we watch and wait, looking for steady monthly progress using clear metrics based on your symptoms, and also your inner-experience, meaning your feelings of well-being, especially in the places that are most sensitive for you, or feel the most stuck, as well as vital signs or lab test results as appropriate. Taking a homeopathic remedy is very different than taking a medication to manage or control symptoms. Healing takes time, depending on how serious the pathology is or for how long someone has had a particular symptom.

We are trying to get you on a good path and to be stable without any big setbacks. Imagine a still pond, throw a pebble and ripples go out, that’s the remedy. if you throw a lot of pebbles it’s too much.   After the initial dose we let your system settle down a bit. Once your body is on a roll, and you begin to feel better, the remedy is just a booster. Often when people start a remedy there can be some “ripples” felt…but as you start to integrate, things settle and you feel better, and then you feel good. It is Inner and most vital changes that occur first wherever you are most stuck or restricted or bothers you the most. If that happens it then ripples out to other things, more superficial, like hair falling, or minor skin issues, stiffness in muscles, things more on the outside of you.


You are not a series of unconnected parts

Homeopaths recognize that symptoms of ill-health are expressions of disharmony within the interconnected elements of the person as a whole-mind and body.


Touch one part of you and it touches all of you

In chronic disease symptoms are stuck. The homeopathic remedy acts like a template providing the information your body needs to facilitate your body’s immune system to become unstuck. Homeopathic healing is a process of unwinding in the areas where you experience restrictions, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. As your vitality becomes stronger It can be surprising in what aspects of yourself you experience more freedom, ease and balance. You can touch one part of you and it touches all of you.